Summer Forms

Health Form 2021-2022


May 21, 2021

Dear Parents,

I am writing you today regarding important information for the 2021-2022 School year.

The Health Form is enclosed for your convenience and is on TADS to upload – This form is required by the State of Louisiana, and gives us information that assists us in the care of your childEvery student attending St. Andrew’s must have a well visit during the summer before the 1st day of School.

*The top portion of the form is to be completed by the parent/guardian and the bottom portion of the Health Form must be completed by your child’s Physician.  Please note: The health form must be returned to the School Office by August 18.

Calendar – This one-page overview (dates and events are subject to change) of the School year is intended to help you plan your activities, including family holidays. Detailed calendar information is available on the School’s website, Please check it regularly for updated information.

Office Depot 5% Back to School Program   This program gives you an opportunity to help St. Andrew’s receive credits for FREE supplies when you shop at Office Depot for school supplies.

Supply Lists for 2021-2022   Please check your email and the School website for the supply list for each grade level PK4 – 8th. St. Andrew’s faculty appreciate parent support in ensuring students have all the items on the list, some of which are not part of the 1st Day School Supplies kits. If ordering from 1st Day School Supplies, the deadline to order is June 30.                                                                                                                                  

Summer Work   Please check your email and the School website for details and instructions about summer work. For students moving into grades 3-8, there are required reading and math assignments.

Spirit Shirts   Every student at St. Andrew’s is required to purchase a red collared St. Andrew’s Spirit Shirt, in either short or long sleeves, through Land’s End.

Online: Go to and create or sign in to your account. Include your student and school information in My Account or find your School using the Preferred School Number Search: 900156985 (a link is available from the School’s website).

These shirts should be worn on designated Spirit Days throughout the School year as well as on any official School field trip.


Renée Nason
