In social studies, our first graders are focusing on neighborhoods and communities. This is a broad topic that allows us to explore many
different skills. In chapel, Father Robert taught the children to “love your neighbor as yourself.” This led to one of our favorite topics of discussion: who qualifies as “your neighbor?”
The children listed many different types of people: someone who lives down the street from you, someone you play with at recess, someone who helps you, etc.
We love hearing their ideas. We then moved into a discussion about our St. Andrew’s neighborhood and who makes our neighborhood a great place to be. Again, we got a ton of different answers. Across the board though, almost every child mentioned one person’s name: Ms. Jenny.
If you haven’t met Ms. Jenny yet you have to understand that she is the reason our classrooms are so lovely. She keeps everything clean and safe for our children. She is available no matter what the problem is…whether it’s a broken bulb or a loose opossum (true story!). Ivy Juge said it best, “Ms. Jenny is our Wonder Woman! I saw the movie and she even looks like Wonder Woman!” She loves our school and we love her. If you see Ms. Jenny please thank her for everything she does for our St. Andrew’s neighborhood.

Avery Loss, 1st Grade Teacher