Parents’ Club
What is the Parents’ Club and who can be a Member?
The St. Andrew’s Parents’ Club exists to enhance our children’s educational experiences by encouraging active participation, mutual friendship, and a spirit of cooperation among our parents, teachers and the community. All parents with children enrolled in St. Andrew’s Episcopal School are automatically members of the Parents’ Club.
Parents’ Club Programs & Fundraising
A primary objective of our Parents’ Club is to provide our school with funds, programs, and resources that will enrich and maximize the education of every child. To meet this important objective, and afford services that are not covered by our school budget, the Parents’ Club offers several fundraisers throughout the school year.
Programs and Projects Supported by the Parents’ Club
- Headmaster’s Wish List
- Newcomer’s Party
- Class Pizza Parties
- Class End-of-the-Year Parties
- Parents Night Reception
- Welcome Coffee
- Annual Crawfish Boil & Carnival
- Episcopal School Sunday
- Graduation Reception
- Pumpkin Show
- Faculty and Staff Appreciation Events
- Sports Banquet
The Parents’ Club conducts several official meetings each year. We alternate locations and times to accommodate all parents. Please check the School calendar for dates and times.
2024-2025 St. Andrew’s Parents’ Club Officers
President – Ashley Wood
Vice President – to be determined
Secretary – Tracey Weinstein
Treasurer – Brady Duplan
President-Elect – to be determined